Intensive Exam

The Customs Intensive exam is the most thorough Customs exam.


Last Update há 2 anos

What is an Intensive exam?

The Intensive exam is the most thorough Customs exam.

If Customs and Border Protection (CBP) selects your container for an Intensive exam, the container will be trucked to a Centralized Examination Station (CES), where the CES will unload the container. A CES is a privately operated facility designated by CBP for physical examination where imported or exported cargo is made available for inspection. A Customs officer will examine the cargo, and then the CES will reload the cargo into the container after the exam.

Costs associated with trucking and storing the container will be the responsibility of the importer.

How long does an Intensive exam take?

Intensive exams usually take 5-7 days, but exam timelines may vary based on congestion at the port and CES.

Your AEB Logistics operations team will update your shipment schedule as necessary.

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