【USA】What should I know about customs and tariffs?

Alan Fan

Last Update 4 ani în urmă


Familiarize yourself with the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), which determines the amount of duties that an importer must pay for a particular type of commodities. The HTS code will alert you to any trade agreements or other regulations you may need to know about the cargo.

Search the government data base to view the tariffs on your items.

Find your commodity’s category on the left, click on it, and you’ll be able to see the duty rates for the countries of origin in the first column on the right, if that country has “Normal Trade Relations (NTR)” with the US.

Keep an eye out for special sub-columns that come up for countries with special trade agreements with the US. If the country does not have Normal Trade Relations with the United States, you’ll find it in the second column – some industry people refer to these countries as “Column Two” countries.

A ten digit HTS code will be included on your product’s customs forms. AEB Logistics will use this code to fill out all necessary paperwork for both the import and export countries. AEB will also pay Harbor Maintenance Fees (HMF) for ocean freight, which comes to 0.125% of the value of the product.

You will be assessed a Merchandise Processing Fees (MPF) whether you are shipping via air or ocean, which will amount to 0.35% of the value of the product. This does not include any freight fees, insurance or other duties. The MPF has a maximum value of $485 and can never be less than $25.

For shipping to Amazon FBA, all fees will be paid before your cargo reaches an FBA center, as Amazon cannot be billed for any amount.

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